The kids and I went to the dentist Tues for regular teeth cleaning. Which turned out to be a little exciting since the bank next door got robbed earlier in the day. They announced on the news this morning that they have the person in custody. His parole officer called him in to "talk" after one of the bank tellers recognized him as a former customer (Duh dude).
Wed things started to pick up at work, all the doctors are back from vacation so I will start getting busy later this week. Flori had basketball practice so I found a few minutes to catch up on my reading. We have both been reading "New Moon" (the second book in the Twilight series) so that I can help her understand it. (She is in 7th grade but her reading is around a 3rd grade level) She has trouble with her comprehension but I really think reading this book which she loves has helped her alot. For Christmas her grandmother bought her the next 2 books. We are really looking forward to reading them.
Budget: I am hoping to get some shopping done later today since I have RR's getting ready to expire later this week and I don't see any other day to get it done. I will update this later. I didn't really feel like going out tonight but after this great trip I am glad I did. I even gave away a bunch of coupons to some nice gentleman that was looking for the Betty Crocker boxed potatoes. He was so grateful for the 6 .25 Q - I knew I wouldn't use them since I had some .35 and .40 ones that will double at Schnucks and Dierbergs next week.
Shop n Save:
10.00 Iams Dog food -10.00 Q (one free bag)
2.00 BC Fruit Snacks x4 = 8 -.50/2 x 2
2.50 Fiber One Chewy Bar (Strawberry, Oats and Almond) - 1.00 IP
1.25 Pasta Roni x 8 - 1.00/4 x 2
3.00 Kraft String Cheese x 3 - 1.00 IP x 3
2.50 Dole Lettuce x2
1.53 Bananas - 1.35 (2 free lbs bananas wyb 2 Dole Lettuce)
6.24 Beef Round Steak - 5.00 wyb 8 boxes Pasta or Rice a Roni
3.19 1 gallon of milk - 1.00 wyb Sara Lee Bread
1.99 Sara Lee Bread
10.00 Gilette Fusion Razor - 4.00 Q
Subtotal w/ tax $70.91 - Q and -$15.00 in Holiday rewards earned in Nov and Dec = Total $24.47 on GC from last May's Tax incentive. $0.00 OOP
+ recieved $15.00 on my next shopping trip for buying $30.00 worth of GM, P&G &/or Coke.
5.00 Benefiber Stick Pak x 2 - 2.00 x 2
5.00 Flintstone Gummie Vitamins x 4 - 1.00 x 4 MFQ - 4.00 WAG activity book
3.49 Electrasol Gel Pack -2.50
.59 Orange fruit cups (filler)
.50 Flavor Pack Icees (filler)
-10.00 RR from last month
Total w/ tax 10.76 on GC
Received $10.00 RR and $5.00 RR + Electrasol MIR 1.50 + $8.00 MIR on Vitamins
Diet: I worked on dinner menus for the rest of the month but I will just post them on Sunday starting the next one since I am apt to change things.
For the rest of this week we will have:
Thur: Cubed steaks, mashed potatoes and green beans
Fri: CP chicken (this will be an experiment so I will wait to see if it turns out before I post the recipe), rice and broccoli
Sat: CP ham and beans w/ cornbread
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