
Friday, December 30, 2011

Out with the Old.

Week 1. As is evident by the past year's worth of blog I didn't keep up very well. I am resolving this year a number of things.

1. continue classes at the university. (I am determined to finish my degree this time around I have one more year to go therefore, this will remain number one until I am finished.) I have a straight A average at this time and joined the Golden Key
International Honor Society this past year.

2. 52 weeks of Organization. I found a blog toward the end of the year which helps encourage those of us domestically challenged to take it slow and steady. Picking one area a week makes it seem like a doable task. After spending the last month decluttering while preparing for the holidays I really like the simpler lifestyle along with being able to see the top of my tables and counters. I will keep this up and hopefully report each week. With any luck I will have my car in the garage by the end of the year. I started a little early since I was off work the last couple of days. I started in Flori's room but have not finished because we ran out of boxes and I believe we could use an extend-a-shelf which I have ordered. I moved to a smaller area to help me feel like I accomplished something. I was able to purge and even have empty spaces now.

3. This brings me to my last resolution to blog about my accomplishments and set backs throughout the year in an effort to learn and grow from them. My garden was a complete failure last year due to the heat and rats. I tried, to no avail, to produce a hardy crop of anything. With any luck I will be able to report a better outcome this year.

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya on the garden front. Ours stunk too last year...hoping for a better season this go around. Ah,,,I think I need a fairy to come declutter my house.
